If you are considering undergoing a rhinoplasty (nose shaping procedure), it is important to understand the difference between an open and closed rhinoplasty. Both methods can be used to access the cartilage and bony parts of the nose that undergo surgical manipulation in a rhinoplasty.
Closed Rhinoplasty
In a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are hidden within the nose. The soft tissue is elevated off the cartilage and bony framework and manipulated through those incisions. The benefit of a closed rhinoplasty is the reduced manipulation of soft tissue, leading to less swelling in the postoperative period, and no external scars. The downside is that there is less direct visualization of the structures contributing to either cosmetic or functional complaints.
Open Rhinoplasty
An open rhinoplasty utilizes the same incisions as a closed rhinoplasty with one additional incision across the columella (the soft tissue between both nostrils). With an open rhinoplasty, the entire soft tissue can be elevated off the underlying structures to allow for excellent visualization and access. This access results in improved accuracy when manipulating the cartilage framework. While postoperative swelling is typically more substantial following an open rhinoplasty, the types of changes that can be made to the nose are more substantial. Revision rhinoplasty is almost exclusively performed through the open approach. When performing open rhinoplasty, Dr. Rogal uses the most advanced techniques for barely visible postsurgical scarring.
Which rhinoplasty is best for me?
Speak with your surgeon about the approach that they plan to use. Ask questions about why they favor that approach over another. Ultimately, an excellent rhinoplasty can be performed open or closed.