Tired or raccoon eyes can be caused by aging of the lower eyelid.
There are three factors that contribute to this look as we age:
1. Shadows (caused by hollowing of eye socket)
2. Puffy bags (caused by fat herniation)
3. Discoloration or poor texture of skin (caused by thin skin)
You may have one or more of these characteristics that are causing you to look tired. It is important to talk to your doctor to determine which one of these factors is affecting you.
Injectable fillers are an excellent alternative for those who do not want surgery, and would like to achieve a younger, brighter appearance of their eyes. Fillers such as Restylane® and Voluma® can be used to reduce shadows caused by the hollowing and puffy bags. While injectables alone cannot change the color or texture of your skin, they may make it easier for you to apply under eye concealer by providing a smoother surface. By using a cannula (a special injector tool), bruising and swelling can be minimized compared to using a traditional needle. This is an in-office procedure that can be completed in approximately fifteen minutes. While injectables are temporary, the results typically last well over a year in this area. This is a great option for someone who is not ready for surgery, or would like an improvement with minimal downtime.